Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Oh no!! another one bites the dust!!

My dear colleague Rob is going to get married (finally) and we surprised him with a present and a nice t-shirt of which he said he would wear throughout their honeymoon...(not)

We (BRI) wish you best of luck together (as if you did not have that already...)

Monday, 22 September 2008

Between art and awful

Today we went to Middelburg to see if we have things that are worth something. This tv show has a variety of specialists who briefly look at your items and then tell you if it is worth something or not. Because my mom likes this program a lot and we recently became owners of some items of which we don't know the value or where it came from. It was very busy but the weather was nice and we had number 375 or something. The clock was first and mom and dad had to wait for a camera crew because the clock was probably worth taping. After that we went to see somebody for a very small painting and again the camera crew had to be called in... After that no more camera crews and some of the art was quickly identified as ... well... not art.. unfortunately.

Anyway, it was great fun today. Now we'll have to wait for when it is broadcast on tv and even then we don't know if we're on the show..

Ouwehands dierenpark (Zoo)

On sunday we went to ouwehands dierenpark a zoo in Rhenen and saw all the animals we heared on the CD of "kareltje en sjonnie". Giraffs, lions, penguins, apes and many more. Wende liked the lions very much and shouted "hello lion" all the time, but the lion was busy watching the crowd passing by. There are also lots of play things for the kids indoor and outdoor as well. And finally we got to see the seelions show! On previous visits we were always too late for the performaces but htis time we made it in time and franckfully, it was a bit less than mom and da expected but the nils and wende loved it.

Nils without wheels!

Saturday morning we went to Den Bosch to do a little shopping and get some new reading books for the kids from the library. The library is a lot of fun, there is a special floor for the kids where you can play, read books and listen to music.

That afternoon dad took Nils's bike and rotated the extra wheels that normally keep him upright because Nils told dad that he could ride his bike without the aid of the extra wheels...

At the camp site where grandpa and grandma were staying, we tested this and to our amazement Nils rode off without falling!

Pictures of Nils riding his bike are not available unfortunately because we only had the video camera with us.

Monday, 15 September 2008

The weekend of 13 and 14th august

This weekend there was a fair or in dutch "kermis" in Giessen and a local market with all sorts of junk and local products which nobody actually buy's anymore...

But it's nice to walk around and ofcourse there is the fair with the things to do for the kids.

Nils and Wende both went in a caroussel and Nils even wanted to go in the bumping carts. At first dad doubted a little because Nils is still a bit young for that but nevertheless, we went for it. Nils at the wheel and dad at the throttle. Nils loved it!

A trip to Germany

Dad went to Horb in Germany for a few days. Together with 2 colleguage's Maikel and Tom we spent two days training at Bosch Rexroth given by Mr Hiller who is a very practical and knowledgable person. So, we learned a lot!

The weather was fine and Maikel took some pictures of the surrounding area which looked like a model train surrounded by little wooden houses in the hills.

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Guusje and Maartje visit

Maaike and Jaap had to attend a family weekend and therefor, Maartje en Guusje were staying with us this weekend.
On saturday morning we went to the junk market were all sorts of second hand stuff was sold and every year as a sort of tradition, the kids are allowed to pick something they like.

In the afternoon we went to the playground in Neder Hemert and on sunday we went to Wamelland an indoor playground because the weather was terrible. We wanted to go to the woods but unfortunately it rained. Ah well, next time.

Monday, 1 September 2008

Day 1 of Nils at school

Today was officially the very first day of Nils going to school. Lisette, Wende and dad went with Nils to his school and accompanied him to his class. We saw his teacher Mrs Mariella and lots of other kids. Most of them attended earlier so they were not so shy as Nils was.

Nils found it all very interesting and was very quit but according to mrs Mariella, Nils went along perfectly, no crying just going along playing with the other children, great!

Dad had taken two days off to bring Nils to school and what a proud dad he is, it's a big step for Nils and he did it without a hitch.

Tomorrow is day two and it's going to be a busy day because the three of us (Nils Wende and dad) will have to get a haircut.

A wedding anniversary in London

The 31 st of august was our 9th wedding anniversary and I surpised Lisette with a trip to London to see the musical Chicago. We stayed in a very modern hotel St Martin's Lane with lounge music and blue lighting in the elevator with panels in the wall showing waving bambou trees... A special toilet of which we had trouble finding out how to flush it! At night we went to a tapas restaurant in the west end and we walked through china town to see if the chinese restaurant was still there were we ate a long time ago (Wong Kei). After that we went to see Chicago. Unfortunately Lisette already seen it 9 years ago in holland and me too but I missed a part back then (because I fell asleep). This time I stayed awake and it was a brilliant performance!

The next day we went to see what has changed since the fire in the Camden locks.

It looked the same although the old undergorund stables were gone but luckily they preserved the image of beying a retro and modern market where you can find everything you need and don't need but end up buying anyway.

The kids stayed with their grandparents in De lier and had a great time as well.