That's what sums up our weekend starting on friday with the very very heavy bookcase we had disassembled and moved to the attick. Now the new floor is in place, it was time to move it back down again and get it back together.. 3rd time in its history.. Saturday was garden day and we spent most of the time mowing and clipping all sorts of plants and grass.. Not much exiting but it's always nice to work in the garden. In the afternoon dad went with Nils (on his own bike) and Wende to the drugstore to get some painkillers against headache (which happened to dad on sunday afternoon..) Nils never was so far from home on his own bicycle and he found it very exiting! Wende always likes riding on the bicycle with mom and dad.. but yes, maybe it is time Wende learnes to ride wihtout extra wheels.. who knows.. She's a quick learner. Sunday we went to the beach where dad always went when he was young(er). The beach in 's-Gravenzande has changed little, just a bit more sand and that was even done recently. We had some good old beach fun but we had to go to Vlaardingen to celebrate Matthijs's first birthday. Grandparents and uncles and aunts, everyone was there. We sat on the roofterras Martin had made and it was very nice. A slight breeze to cool us down and the kids had fun with the small dog Martin and Judtih had as a sleep over..