Monday, 7 December 2009

We survived Sinterklaas 2009!

It seems that every year the Sinterklaas celebration gets more and more sort of survival weekend. But hey, we made it through! The kids were bouncing from excitement the last week and they received lots of presents. Too bad Grandma did not feel well enough to be part of the Sinterklaas celebration this year but we understand especially after what she has been through the last couple of weeks. So first we went to De Lier to celebrate Sinterklaas with Lisette's parents and brother. Sinterklaas left 3 bags filled with presents and a tradional bang on the door. Grandma had made a nice lunch for us and we stayed for dinner as well. Sunday was spent at our own place with Maaike and jaap and their kids joining us in the afternoon for a Sinterklaas celebration. Neighbour Joost assisted with the door banging and he even threw a hadfull of pepernoten throught he room. Grandma watched the whole thing through the webcam we have set up with sound. Grandma was therefor able to hear the inflatable fart pillows the kids received from the Sint. She can even steer the camera and logs in any time she wants (as long as it's switched on that is..) Although she could not see the actual presents, she was able to be part of it interactively.

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