I (dad) have taken up taking saxophone lessons again for some time and bought a Selmer Tenor Saxophone. My teacher is a well known saxophone artist and loves funk music.
He sent me a link for a jazz workshop in Den Bosch and I signed up for it. The workshop is great! App. 15 musician with all kinds of instruments forming a complete big band. The goal of the workshop is to learn how to improvise during the solo's. The music we play is of Horace Silver who is, what a coincidence, the founder of the funk music. In the few evenings we played until now we managed to assemble a number of songs like "a song for my father", "senor blues", "psychedelic sally" (which is my favorite) and many more. I have included a small video of our last evening rehersing the song "tokyo blues". As you might hear, we still have some work to do before the "concert"we are going to give end of february..