Sunday, 17 January 2010

Skating and renovating

Last week I did not post a blog message due to .. well, the weather actually. The weather was so bad on saturday that we stayed inside and only went outside to do some shopping (the most necessary items such as crisps and cookies). Sunday we went ice skating as the weather turned out to be favourable with a slight sun shining over the ice. Nils had a pair of skates but these were not helping with getting Nils to like skating.. Wende was more persistent and kept the skates on longer. This weekend we went to Maaike and Jaap to help with the electrics on the attick which Jaap changed into two rooms for Maartje and Guusje. The rooms are almost finished and only need a bit of paint. The elctrics are also almost finished, next time we should be able to finish it. The Led lighting is giving us a hard time because of how the power supply is to be switched on or off... (mear technical details) Maaike and Lisette went shopping in the mean time and we had dinner at their place. Sunday we went to see Mellanie and Peter. Their sons Duncan and Jayson have had their birthday and today was the first possibility for us to pay them a visit. For Jayson we bought a nice rucsack of Cars and for Duncan we had a spy gear light which could be attached to your ear and a Lego futuristic race car. One of Peter and Mellanie's friends also came over with their children and all the kids had a lot of fun together. Unfortunately Ingmar was feeling worse than yesterday and developed a fever. Mellanie gave us half of a paracetamol and Ingmar slept on that for at least an hour. When we arrived home Ingmar still felt quite warm and coughed badly.. Maybe we will take him to the doctor tomorrow.

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