As we are going to put up a new garage, the old has to be removed first and to remove the old one you need to clear it.. But where to put it.. So we set up the party tent as a temporrely shelter for all the rubbish we ant to keep. That was friday in the heat.. The kids just played in the swimming pool while dad was sweating his #ss off. Nils showed his manouvering skills to his friends because he "earned" a radio controlled speedboat with his "plate finishing letter". That's a small piece of paper with stripes for every time he empties his dinner plate. When the magical number is reached (normally 25 but for this boat 30) then he get's to choose a toy within a limited budget. So he earned it last wednesday. As soona s he finished his plate we presented the boat and he was so overjoyed! Great t see him so happy. Wende is nearing her 20 stripes, after today (monday) she only needs one more! Saturday was such nice weather. So we went to the beach of Andel. There we saw a lot of friends of Nils and Wende so they had a great time. Our neighbour MOnique also joined us with their sons who took their small sailing boat with them. So Niall and Ean and even Monique had a go in the sailing boat and they did remarkebly well as NIall and SEan learned to sail from a small book he studied the evening before!
Sunday we went to see the grandma and granddads. First we drove to Hulst and there we spent a couple of hours with my mom and dad. They still had a birthday present for Ingmar. It was a 3 wheeled bike with push bar and he loved it! He enjoyes to walk behind something that rolls. After that visit we went to Vlijmen just above Gorinchem to help Lisette's mom and dad with the tent of the caravan. They drove their caravan to a campsite near us to stay there during the weekends this June. After we finished that we went to a pancake house (again..) to have dinner. It was very busy there but we were just in time for a place at a table. Wende was the quickest with finishing hers and soon after the adults finished their plate and even Ingmar ate half a pancake. And every time he wanted more he slaps his hand on the table or tries to climb out. But dad figured that out, he put the plate within reach and that kept him in his seat (finally). Unfortunately this time dad did not take his camera with him.. So only 2 this time..
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