Sunday, 22 May 2011

We survived the end of the world!! (this time)

How about that, we survived the end of the world... again.
Enough of that nonsense, Saturday we went to Woudrichem where there were knights and soldiers from the medieval period. The cities, Gorinchem, Woudrichem and cstle Loevestijn celebrated the "vesting 3hoek dagen". It seems that Jacoba van Beieren, countess of Holland, had a history of fighting against ex husbands and was prisoned at one point. She was freed by a couple of dudes from Heusden which is near here. That was the reason for the festivities and there was enough to do and to see. First we went to Woudrichem where we witnessed the firing of cannons (eardefening), soldiers in ancient clothing and after that we took the ferry to Gorinchem where there was a campment with lots of things to do for kids. Nils and Wende made shields and dad and Nils shot some arrows. Sunday we went to the campsite where Lisette's mom and dad are staying until the end of the month. The parents of our friends Mellanie and Peter were there as well and they also arrived shortly after us. Dad made a bow for Nils and also bows for Duncan and Jason. A great success but we had to keep a good eye on them because the bow and arrows worked a bit too well..

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