Sunday, 15 January 2012

Finally, we picked up the cabinet

This saturday we went to Hulst to stay a night at my dad's and after app. 14 years of planning we finally picked up the cabinet mom and dad had saved for us. The cabinet stayed all that time in their garage. When we arrived saturday afternoon we first did some groceries with my dad and afterwards we had a simple but nice dinner. The following morning dad went to the swimming pool with Nils and Wende. Wende was not allowed to swim at the deep end even with swimming aids on her arms unfortunately.. She felt cold as well and she stayed sitting on a bench with her towel most of the time.. Lisette in the mean while, gave Ingmar a good bath and aftwerwards she went to the city center to buy some shoes for Ingmar and Wende. When we arrived back at grandpa's again, dad loaded the cabinet on the trailer which proved not so difficult, the weight of the cabinet did most of the work. It only needed some shifting and pushing around.. Underneath we stuffed more things my dad did not need anymore. Grandpa had a present for Nils, a small but beautiful chess board, ofcourse, a match was played immediately but I don't recall anyone winning this game. My dad told me he also had a nice marble chess board with pieces somewhere but the pieces could not be found yet... I also re-arranged some shelves so my dad can sort things out and put them on shelves. In the afternoon we went home again so we still had time to unload the cabinet. It took a little bit of swearing and clever thinking by Lisette but we made it. The cabinet is inside but probably needs to be shifted again because the cabinet is now taking quite some room..

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