Sunday, 22 April 2012

A slow weekend

The weather was not very good so the video camera wasn't used very often this weekend and the same for the photo camera.
Friday afternoon Wende had her first swimming lesson in the next swimming group (she was promoted to "kikkertje 4" last week. It was also possible for parents to join their kids swimming so Nils volunteered to mind Ingmar and dad joined Wende during her swimming lesson.
Saturday morning no hockey this time, instead dad helped out a family who is moving to a new home after dad had his hair cut at the hair dressers.. (finally) Washing machines, fridges loads of boxes were moved in 3 cars and a trailer.. A lot was done and it is great to help someone in need.
Lisette was buysy with the kids in the garden and as soon as dad finished, he joined mom in the garden until it started raining (again).
Dad also screwed a ladder together for the kids to be able to climbe up in the poleshed safely.
Sunday morning dad went swimming with Nils and Wende and mom put Ingmar in the bathtub. Nils was invited to play at a friends house in the afternoon and Wende joined him as they had another son who shares the same class as Wende.
In the mean time mom and dad scouted for possible party locations for our 12,5 wedding anniversary but we did not find anything we liked yet..
Also some movies we shot during the weekend, one of them is during a hail storm we had in between sunny spells.. (click here)

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